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Images provided by Kristen Gallagher

Beyond the Classroom


When creating a portfolio that focuses on my success as an educator, it seems appropriate to describe where I come from, and who has helped shape me into the person I am.  There are many hats I wear that help define me-each pushing and encouraging me to be the best I can be.  I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and of course, a teacher.


My family is very important to me, both for encouraging me to further my education and for being a role model in my educational career.  In fact, teaching runs in our family as my mother, father, sister-in-law, and brother are or were all educators.  Their successful educational careers have pushed me to strive for the best in my educational career as well.  Ever since completing my undergraduate degree at Eastern Michigan University (EMU), I have worked hard to find my niche in the classroom, which has included the decision to pursue my Master of Arts in Education (MAED) at Michigan State University (MSU).  However, I firmly believe having a healthy balance between school and home life is what keeps teachers refreshed in the classroom.


When I am not working hard as a teacher, in the summer, my husband and I like to play equally as hard.  We love traveling around the great state of Michigan, spending time outdoors, and visiting the many lakes in Northern Michigan.  Our little family is complete with our almost 2 year old son, Benjamin, and 6 year old yellow lab, Aspen. They both love to be a part of our adventures and it makes for great family memories.  One of the most relaxing activities I enjoy in the summer is kayaking downriver- the sounds of nature are so tranquil.  My favorite weekend and weeknight past time during the school year is to watch MSU sports, basketball being my favorite, but football is a close second! 

Please click on an image for a description of each picture.

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