Image provided
by Kristen Gallagher
Small Town Fame
Strange Elementary School
Grand Ledge, MI

Image provided by
Kristen Gallagher
Strange School Featured in Local Newspaper
On a busy day in March, I had a note on my desk asking​ to call the Lansing State Journal in regards to featuring our school in the "Cool Spaces" section. When I called back, they mostly asked questions about the history of it, being a nearly 140 year old building, so I did not think much of the interview as an opportunity to showcase our school. A rainy day in May, the journalist showed up for our interview (which was during a normal school day). When she walked in the school and saw the variety of activities going on in our building, suddenly her questions revolved around the "how's". How do you possibly teach all the grade levels in one day? Some students are using iPads and Chromebooks, how do you incorporate them? How do the different ages work all in the same classroom? I proudly answered all her questions, and offered additional comments surrounding the function and success of Strange School. As I was sharing all of these details and activities I have incorporated into our instruction to make the school day run smoothly, I realized a lot of what I was sharing with her came from my experiences, readings, and projects I had completed toward earning my Master of Arts in Education (MAED). This article also helped share with the community a special learning opportunity available right in their small town, one that many people may not have known about otherwise.
Mrs. Gallagher Featured on Podcast
The morning our school was featured in the Lansing State Journal, I had an email waiting in my inbox from Seth Tripp from Educator Escape by noon. Come to find out, Educator Escape is an Educational Podcast that was interested in interviewing me to showcase a "one room" education on their show. Agreeing to this request initially scared me, but because I was so confident in what I was doing in my career and for my school, I agreed to share my story. I even agreed to record the interview over Memorial weekend, as I sat Up North taking in the Northern Michigan views. Shortly into the interview, he was sharing how listeners were intrigued to learn about my experience, and had questions about my daily schedule, how I differentiate instruction, classroom routines, and how I manage multiple grade levels throughout the day. I eagerly shared how our schedule runs, daily student agendas, and how we thoughtfully incorporate technology throughout the day during student seat work rotations. As I was completing this interview, the nerves went away, as I was confident in what I was sharing, and hopeful that some of my ideas may help or reach out to another teacher in some way. I believe that the success I felt while sharing my story came from the leadership and confidence I gained as a teacher from furthering my education at Michigan State University (MSU).